Unity Installation Instructions
1. Create a Unity ID
Create a Unity ID at https://id.unity.com/. You can use an existing Google account if you would like, including your uchicago.edu email address.

2. Download the Unity Hub
Download and install Unity Hub from https://unity.com/download. You’ll need to agree to their Terms of Service. Once installed, open Unity Hub and sign in with the account you just created

3. Install the Unity Editor
After signing in, you’ll be prompted to install the Unity Editor. The workshop will use Unity Editor Version 2021.3.11f1, which is the default recommended version at time of writing. Other versions may not cause issues, but we recommend installing at least a 2021.3.x version for maximal compatibility with our workshop.
You’ll be prompted to choose a license for Unity. The Personal license is free for everyone who doesn’t use Unity in a commercial capacity earning more than $100,000 per year.

If you close the initial prompt to install the Editor, navigate to the “Installs” tab and select “Install Editor”
4. Modules and Code Editor
When you are prompted to add Modules to your installation, we strongly recommend selecting Visual Studio to install alongside Unity, even if you usually prefer a different code editor. Visual Studio integrates smoothly with Unity, providing very useful code completion and error checking.
Other code editors can be used, but we don’t recommend it and can’t promise any support if things go wrong.
If you aren’t prompted with an option to select Modules while installing, you can return to the “Installs” tab after Unity is installed. Then click the gear icon next to your install and select “Add modules”.

5. Visual Studio Installation
Installing Visual Studio through Unity Hub will download and launch the Visual Studio Installer. You will need to agree to their terms and conditions.
When prompted for a “workload”, scroll down and select “Game development with Unity” and then press Install.
You will need to sign in to Visual Studio with a Microsoft account. For Windows users this can just be your computer’s login account, MacOS users may need to create a Microsoft account (through an existing Google account or otherwise).

Congrats! You’ve Installed Unity :D
Having Trouble?
Check to see if your system requirements fall into the chart below. If you’re still having trouble, please don’t hesitate to ask on the Discord server or to email us!